The Game Changers Documentary: Perhaps not such a game changer.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen or heard about l the game changers” on Netflix. It’s a very biased vegan espousing documentary and this very intelligent doctor, who’s podcast is fantastic by the way, it’s spot on and really puts it into perspective; that meat is not a problem it’s what we’ve been comparing it to.

Many patients ask me about this kind of stuff so I’ve done more homework. In this documentary it is very convincing propaganda for the plant-based diet. It’s not that plant-based has problems, yes many nutritional limitations, and one would have to supplement their diet with lots of vitamins to make up for the nutritional deficiencies in the diet, it’s basically that the diet is not complete for one’s health. There are plenty of benefits of meat, especially organic grass fed game. Read the link below. It is one of many out there that put this convincing documentary propaganda in a clearer light. I like to say, “follow the money” and if you do, this documentary will find many folks who are not even in the nutrition business funding this documentary, particularly the alleged biggest funder, Hollywood movie mogul James Cameron, who just so happens to own one of, if not the largest, pea protein manufacturing plant in the world. Do your homework.

Anyhow I thought I’d catch you guys and save you some brainwashing with some good facts, In case you were interested, so you can make sound decisions on if you feel plant based is your way to go. In the mean time, i am defrosting some nice grass fed grass finished Chuck roast for dinner tonight.

Here is Dr. Peter Attia’s commentary, it is worth your time.

Is ditching meat a “game-changer” for your health?

My problem with this film is with its mode of inquiry, not the diet it espouses, per se. Let me state that another way. I’m not against a plant-based diet. I’m against misleading uses of subpar data and speaking with absolute certainty when a bit of humility and nuance should be the standard. The fact is that virtually any diet is better than the SAD (standard american diet) from a health perspective. I’m sure we’d see associated improvements with any of the 47 diets listed on the U.S. News & World Report website if people consciously switched to one of these diets from the SAD. The more insidious problem is the healthy user effect. There are many variables that can and do change that could explain the small associations in these studies between meat or vegetable consumption and disease that have nothing to do with the meat or vegetable, making it virtually impossible to establish cause and effect.”- Dr. Attia