Facts are facts: We are inside a historical event.

*I am not taking credit for this work, rather, I am spreading the great work and word of Derek Johnson. You can find the complete extensive and exhaustive military and constitutional documents put together this amazing military hero and patriot, here at thedocuments.info at www.the1776nation.com His daily educational teachings can be found on TELEGRAM under this link: https://t.me/rattletrap1776 The world needs more patriots like Derek. God Bless you fine Sir !

President Trump declared 3 National Emergencies in 2018 and 2020, that Congress failed to address, which is a violation of Federal Law via the Constitution, which is why 35,000 plus National Guard members went to D.C. and placed fences around the capitol building which is actually 47 US Code 606, titled War Powers of the President that specifically says, “can shut down the use of Government Facilities.” It wasn’t for the fake inauguration.
47 US Code 606: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2015-title47/pdf/USCODE-2015-title47-chap5-subchapVI-sec606.pdf

The National Guard out of their States and outside of the U.S. means they were Federalized, plain and simple. Not to mention, BUT to mention, they’re called NATIONAL guard for a reason . When they are FEDERALized… they bump up to ACTIVE Duty.
All 50 states of the National Guard have been activated since January 2021.
*P-8 Poseidon = Maritime Patrol-P-8 Poseidons have been active every single day since President Trump Federalized the National Guard to Active Duty January 6 & 17, 2021, via Executive Order 13919 & Title 10, 10 US Code Ch 1209, & 10 US Code 12406.
Executive Order 13848 outlines the Maritime Jurisdiction…

Plus, and first, Articles II & IV of the Constitution outline the President’s duties, and with Congress not doing their job which was a National Security Breach , not addressing 3 National Emergencies declared by the President (Trump) , via Executive Orders 13848, 13919, Title 10, 47 US Code 606, the Stafford Act, the Presidential Emergencies Act, a PEAD (for COG, continuity of government) on Nov 3, 2020, all extended President Trumps powers as President in January 2021. Same as FDR serving 13 years as President due to many of the same powers as President.Donald J Trump , was, and still is, your president and Commander in Chief of the worlds greatest military. And things are about to get real, and real fast.
Article II of the Constitution extended President Trump’s Power as President via Executive Orders 12170, 13848, 13919, 13912, Title 10, 10 US Code 12406, 10 US Code 1209, the Stafford Act, and Presidential Emergencies Act (amongst many others) federalizing the National Guard in January 2021.
The Orders won’t be rescinded until National Emergencies are ADDRESSED and displayed to the public. Law & Order > 1776 Law
It is time to understand we are in a Military Occupancy

Again, Law of War Manual pages 754-838 as President Trump and the MILITARY issued THREE, National Emergencies in 2018 and 2020 that were NEVER addressed by Congress = Breach of National Security.
How did he know to issue a National Emergency in Executive Order 13848 signed September 12, 2018, which also included an Election Fraud Committee with very important dates on how they would report after the 2020 Presidential Election, LONG before Covid and the Election… HOW? How did they know if they didn’t already have intelligence and evidence long before 2020 ?
Those were NOT addressed by Congress and PDJT NEVER terminated those as written in Title 50 Chapter 34…
Therefore, with Powers of the President, via Article II of the CONSTITUTION of 1787, not The Federal Corporation of the District of Columbia’s corrupted constitution they don’t want you to know about, President Trump EXTENDED his powers as President, the same as Franklin D. Roosevelt who served 13 years… same scenario, different kind of war…
By Federalizing no more than 1 MILLION of the National Guard to ACTIVE DUTY for no more than 365 CONSECUTIVE days… as signed in 2020 in Executive Order 13912 and 10 US Code Chapter 1209…
This is the First time in United States History all 50 States were Federalized and sent to one location… D.C. as the world watched 35,000 troops storm D.C. placing a FENCE around the Capitol aka Closing of Government Facilities found in 47 US Code 606 titled “War Powers of the President”…
It’s a Blueprint… it’s like a puzzle. But facts are facts.
These are military LAWS and ORDERS placed from 2017 to 2021 that are STILL active and being enforced. We are under a state of emergency.
Learn your Foundation, the Constitution, and the real system of Government and Laws that WORK for us the people

The LAW OF WAR> MILITARY Action and protocol on foreign occupation inside United States territories and branches of U.S. Governments/offices/sectors that have been occupied by foreign governments/ leaders/ Intelligence/forces, that entity has one year to vacate the U.S. territories and premise. Failure to heed this Warning will result in Full Military defense, retribution and tribulations in accordance with Military Courts, Tribunals, imprisonment or Death.
( this how a senior Military commander stated the Law of Wars in layman's terms )///_____

The illegal election that happened in 2020 was a Military Sting operation to watch the Deep State and their CCP REGIMEN in cohesion/ help from VANGUARD CIA DARPA to control BIG TECH ,MSM outlets and Industries that are also runned by foreign influences that are loyal to Europe Elites add the DAVOS group etc. (Does Elon Musk taking over twitter make more sense now? It should. It was a disinformation and propaganda tool of the Cabal, and now in the hands of the White Hat military).
The military operations were to insure the Deep State would cheat/illegally interfere in U.S elections using foreign powers, foreign occupation, foreign money and social media influences. This domestic [DS] military Coup against a sitting President would ensure activating the LAWS OF WAR PROTOCOL and PROCEDURES that would lead to EXPOSURE of Foreign and Domestic Forces that worked together in a conspired will of corruption to take over the United States and their three branches of government.

On January 20, 2021 the U.S. military white hats issued their first warning to the BIDEN regimen and BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, STATE STREET EXECUTIVES INCLUDING 16 Families and Royals across the world to vacate their actions in the Stolen 2020 U.S. constitutional elections and were told to leave the U.S. territories.

On January 20, 2022 the year long grace period expired and The LAWS OF WAR PROCEDURE WERE FOLLOWED ( and silent military actions operations continued before, during and after the First WARNING of 2021). If people are paying attention to world events (ie. Brazil recently) , and thinking the world has gone mad, well, now you are asking the right questions. I have shared above what is going down, not just in the USA. Think logically. You are now inside the storm.

The military of the countries of the world was the only way out of this mess.

Facts are facts. These are irrefutable. Thank you Derek Johnson of the United States Military

The question is, are you prepared for what is about to occur ?

Still need more proof? I have copied and pasted even more details below from Derek Johnson’s social media account, you can find the complete extensive and exhaustive military and constitutional documents here at thedocuments.info at www.the1776nation.com


*Important post-script: (* You might want to dive deeper into this website over the past 2 years of installments. The hints have grown stronger and stronger. The recent “Ghosts in the the Machine”,Crumbling and Rising: The Matrix was a Documentary” and “Comfortably Numb” are rather hearty truth suppositories (links to these are up on your right side of this website). “Triumph Over Evil” and “The First 7 Years” just might jolt some hairs up on end as well.

And if those are not enough, what if that which I proposed in “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” was all correct? (hint: it is ). Then our lives and everything in them, have been lies from the start, and that Facts are facts, is not always the case when they are lies. Can you handle the truth? Because, the truth is a force of nature, and it is heading into town, and nothing can stop what is coming. The piece, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” was a turning point for me. It is when I fully realized that my perceived reality of the world was terribly unpopular, and radically different than most people’s. I realized that moving forward from that point onward, life would be lonely, but at least truthful. And I was ready to handle that.

Additional Derek Johnson documents, a brief snippet to tempt you:

How did President Trump know to DECLARE a National Emergency TWO years before Covid and the Presidential Election of 2020?
*Executive Order 13848:https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/09/14/2018-20203/imposing-certain-sanctions-in-the-event-of-foreign-interference-in-a-united-states-election
This EO was also passed in September 2018, TWO months before midterms 2018.
Proving Military Occupancy started in 2016
Plus inside the Order it says:
Including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

  • International Emergency Economic Powers Act: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title50/pdf/USCODE-2020-title50-chap35-sec1701.pdf

  • National Emergencies Act:https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title50/pdf/USCODE-2020-title50-chap34-subchapI-sec1601.pdf

  • Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952:https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title8/pdf/USCODE-2020-title8-chap12-subchapII-partII-sec1182.pdf

  • 3 US Code Section 301:https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title3/pdf/USCODE-2020-title3-chap4-sec301.pdf
    Which specifically says:"The President of the United States is authorized to designate and empower the head of any department or agency in the executive branch, or any official thereof who is required to be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to perform without approval, ratification, or other action by the President (1) any function which is vested in the President by law, or (2) any function which such officer is required or authorized by law to perform only with or subject to the approval, ratification, or other action of the President: Provided, That nothing contained herein shall relieve the President of his responsibility in office for the acts of any such head or other official designated by him to perform such functions. Such designation and authorization shall be in writing, shall be published in the Federal Register, shall be subject to such terms, conditions, and limitations as the President may deem advisable, and shall be revocable at any time by the President in whole or in part. (Added Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 655, §10, 65 Stat. 712.)

  • Executive Order 13848:Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence,

  • Sec. 8. For the purposes of this order:(e) the term “United States election” means any election for Federal office held on, or after, the date of this order;

  • Congress did NOT address this 2018 National Emergency Declaration.
    President Trump was the first to mention Corona-Virus to the American Public in his February 4, 2020, State of the Union address:
    Minute 45:28 "We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely on the Corona-Virus outbreak in China, my admin will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this THREAT."
    2/2/2020 SOTU Address:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV6cDJv27QI

  • Then DECLARED Two more National Emergencies March 13 and 27, 2020, that Congress also FAILED to address to the Nation, therefore President Trump had to use War Powers and Emergency Powers of the President granted by Article II and IV of the Constitution, the Presidential Emergencies Act, the Stafford Act, Title 10, and made proclamations in:
    10 US Code Chapter 1209:https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title10/subtitleE/part2/chapter1209&edition=prelim
    Executive Order 13912:https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/04/01/2020-06985/national-emergency-authority-to-order-the-selected-reserve-and-certain-members-of-the-individual

  • It says: Including the National Emergencies Act (50 US Code 1601):https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title50/pdf/USCODE-2020-title50-chap34-subchapI-sec1601.pdf

  • It also says in EO 13912:
    * hey, if you are still reading at this point, you are a curious patriot, and you need to go get Derek’s complete package of his years of BRILLIANT hard work, it is free, go here: thedocuments.info at www.the1776nation.com